"Strap them kids in

give 'em a little bit of vodka

and a cherry Coke

we're goin' to Oklahoma

gonna have us a time"

- James McMurtry

James McMurty Live

Today's travel day was pretty uneventful. We intentionally extended the AR to AZ stretch to 4 days so that we didn't have to have any crazy long days. Oklahoma has crazy speed limits. It's 80 MPH in most rural locations with a minimum of 60. 63 is my max, so mostly cars and trucks were passing us like we were the fucking Clampets on our way to California.

Everything thing went smooth until we starting setting up at the camp ground. One of the rear electric leveling jacks started to malfunction. Yippee fucking skippee. 2 hours on the phones with technical support only to have Marji figure it out on YouTube. It's not working correctly, but we can get it to move. It will limp along until we get to the Camping World in Tucson where we already have an appointment.

They are predicting some tricking winds for tomorrow afternoon in northern Texas, so we are bustin' out of this little campground early tomorrow to beat the winds. I will check in once we've leveled up and settled in.

We're havin' us a time.