We are half way through our stay in Santa Fe. So far the weather has not been great, so our activity level has been low. The winds are pretty strong here and we've seen a fair amount of cooler temps, snow and rain. Nothing accumulating, but we are spending a lot of time inside. It's still a beautiful place, and the food is spectacular.

Every state across the southwest has it's own style of Mexican-American fare. I am particular to the Red and Green Chili of New Mexico. The other night I had a beef burrito with both (Christmas style). Man-o-man.

Today I am getting my first hair cut since we left in November. Marji told me the other day I had an appointment. Hmmm... I guess I am getting a little shaggy. My hair is the longest it's been since I was a little kid.

We arrived on Saturday, and went for a short mountain bike ride on Sunday. We both thought we were going to pass out. Since leaving Arizona, the elevation increase has been about 5000 feet. We are currently up around 7200 feet. If the weather cooperates, we may try to ride tomorrow. The trails are beautiful here, so a couple of more chances to get out in the desert before we leave would be welcomed. I am really going to miss the desert.