Joe: We got out of Stroudsburg this morning without event. The route was a lot of trucks, and shitty roads. Pennsylvania really should invest in their interstate system. Driving across the Maryland border was like slipping into butter. When we arrived at our old stomping grounds, Chambersburg, PA, Marji went into the Butcher Shoppe and purchased some food that is guaranteed to shorten our lifespan. Then back onto the road.

When we got to Virginia, they had signs that warned of a re-route due to an automobile fire, and all lanes being closed. 9 Miles before we reached our exit traffic stopped. Marji consulted the Google. She says, "If we take the next exit, we can hop on Rt. 11, and it will drop us right in the same place". Winner. When we get to the end of the off ramp, our "RV Safe" GPS app is telling use to take a right, and we will be 48 minutes to the KOA. Google says, If we take a left we can be there in 21 minutes. So, here is what I've learned. In this moment the "RV Safe" app is the angel on my right shoulder, and Google maps is the devil on my left. We listened to Google. Never, and I mean never again. Google took us down a road that was probably 7 miles, but it felt like 100 miles. It was 1.5 car widths wide at its widest points. Every 100 feet or so was a 90 degree turn punctuated with a hill crest that we couldn't see over. Please remember that we are pulling a 33' trailer. At one point, it was only me wildly honking the horn, and screaming like a 10 year-old on a roller coaster, that prevented some dude from hitting us head on, on a blind corner. Let's just say I'm glad I had my old undies on.

In the end, we made is safely to the KOA (obviously, dead people don't make blog posts. Unless of course, the are an AI bot, which I'm not). Marji made a wonderful meal from her Butcher Shoppe bounty (including pretzel salad with bing cherries), and I drank 2 beers to stop the shaking. Life on the road is already a wonderful adventure. The rest of the week is a work week, so we are in VA until Saturday. Until then, stay well.

Marji: What he said!